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Writer's pictureNir Feldman

How to lie in Hebrew

While honesty is generally the best policy, there might be times when you'd like to understand how to tell a fib in Hebrew for storytelling, playful banter, or creative purposes. Here’s a guide to phrases and expressions about lying or making excuses in Hebrew:

Common Hebrew Words for Lying

  1. שקר (Sheker) – A lie.

    • Example: זה שקר. (Ze sheker.) – "That’s a lie."

  2. לשקר (Leshaker) – To lie.

    • Example: אני לא משקר. (Ani lo meshaker.) – "I’m not lying."

  3. שקרן/שקרנית (Shakran/Shakranit) – Liar (masculine/feminine).

    • Example: אתה שקרן! (Ata shakran!) – "You’re a liar!"

How to Tell a "Playful" Lie

  1. אני צוחק/ת (Ani tsohek/t) – "I’m kidding."

    • Add this to clarify that your lie is meant as a joke:

      אני משקר, אני צוחק. (Ani meshaker, ani tsohek.) – "I’m lying, I’m joking."

  2. סתם, זה לא נכון (Stam, ze lo nachon) – "Just kidding, it’s not true."

Phrases to Make Excuses or Avoid the Truth

  1. לא ידעתי מה להגיד (Lo yadati ma lehagid) – "I didn’t know what to say."

  2. הייתי צריך להמציא משהו (Hayiti tzarich lehamtzi mashehu) – "I had to make something up."

  3. זה מה שאמרו לי (Ze ma she’amru li) – "That’s what I was told."

Playful Lies in Conversations

  1. אני מיליונר/ית (Ani milioner/it) – "I’m a millionaire."

    • Used humorously when someone jokes about being wealthy.

  2. אני הבאתי את זה (Ani heveti et ze) – "I brought it."

    • When jokingly taking credit for something.

Expressions About Lying

  1. השקר הזה לא יחזיק (Ha'sheker hazeh lo yachzik) – "That lie won’t hold up."

  2. יש לו לב שקרן (Yesh lo lev shakran) – "He has a lying heart."

  3. השקר יתגלה בסוף (Ha’sheker yitgale basof) – "The lie will be revealed in the end."

How to Say You’re Being Honest

  1. אני אומר את האמת (Ani omer et ha’emet) – "I’m telling the truth."

  2. תאמין לי (Ta’amin li) – "Believe me."

  3. אני רציני/ת (Ani retsini/t) – "I’m serious."

Cultural Notes on Lying in Hebrew

  • Israelis value directness, so lying might often be called out. However, playful or humorous exaggerations are widely accepted and appreciated.

  • If you get caught in a lie, it’s common to deflect with humor:

    נו באמת, זה היה בצחוק! (Nu be’emet, ze haya betzchok!) – "Come on, it was a joke!"

If you’d like help practicing these phrases or understanding their nuances, let me know! 😊


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