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Writer's pictureNir Feldman

Hebrew cliches

hebrew cliches "Cliché" refers to an idea or phrase that has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect. Every language has its own set of clichés, and Hebrew is no exception. Some Hebrew clichés or common sayings, when translated and given some context, include:

  1. כל הכבוד (Kol HaKavod) - Literally translates to "all the respect" but is used similarly to "well done" or "kudos."

  2. על הפנים (Al HaPanim) - Directly translates to "on the face," but its actual meaning is "terrible" or "awful."

  3. אם אני לא אעזור לי, מי יעזור לי? - "If I am not for myself, who will be for me?" A quote from the famous Jewish sage, Hillel.

  4. אתה חי בסרט (Ata Chai BeSrat) - Literally, "you live in a movie," meaning you're not being realistic or you're daydreaming.

  5. בריאות (Briut) - Literally means "health" but is used like "bless you" when someone sneezes.

  6. מה זה קשור? (Ma Ze Kashur?) - "What does it have to do with it?" or "What's the connection?"

  7. הכל בסדר (Hakol Beseder) - "Everything is okay."

  8. לא ברור לי (Lo Barur Li) - "It's not clear to me," similar to "I don't get it."

  9. אפשר להסתדר (Efshar LeHistader) - "One can manage" or "It's possible to get by."

  10. אז מה חדש? (Az Ma Chadesh?) - "So what's new?"

These are just a few examples, and like all clichés, they are best used in moderation and in the appropriate context. The beauty of language lies in its diversity and richness, so it's always good to seek fresh and genuine ways to express oneself.

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