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Hebrew Phrases to Use When You're Angry

Hebrew Phrases to Use When You're Angry

Here are some phrases in Hebrew that might be used when someone is upset. Please note that expressing anger, like in any language, should be done respectfully and with consideration to the person you are speaking with.

  1. אני כועס/כועסת - Ani ko'es/ko'eset (I'm angry). Note: Use "ko'es" if you're a man and "ko'eset" if you're a woman.

  2. מה אתה לא מבין? - Ma ata lo mevin? (What don't you understand?)

  3. אני מתוסכל/מתוסכלת - Ani metuskael/metuskalelet (I'm frustrated). Note: Use "metuskael" if you're a man and "metuskalelet" if you're a woman.

  4. זה ממש מעצבן - Ze mamash meatzben (This is really annoying).

  5. זה לא עובד - Ze lo oved (This isn't working).

  6. זה לא נכון - Ze lo nachon (This is not right).

  7. אני מאוד מאוכזב/מאוכזבת - Ani meod meukhzav/meukhzevet (I am very disappointed). Note: Use "meukhzav" if you're a man and "meukhzevet" if you're a woman.

Remember, these phrases should be used responsibly. It's always better to express anger in a controlled and constructive way.

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